Thursday, May 7, 2020

PHP String Functions

In this section, we will discuss a few basic string functions which are most commonly used in PHP scripts.

1. Getting length of a String: PHP has a predefined function to get the length of a string. Strlen() displays the length of any string. It is more commonly used in validating input fields where the user is limited to enter a fixed length of characters.

echo strlen("Welcome to Cloudways");    //will return the length of given string




2. Counting of the number of words in a String: Another function that enables the display of the number of words in any specific string is str_word_count(). This function is also useful in the validation of input fields.

echo str_word_count("Welcome to Cloudways");
//will return the number of words in a string



3. Reversing a String: Strrev() is used for reversing a string. You can use this function to get the reverse version of any string.

echo strrev(“Welcome to Cloudways”);// will return the string starting from the end


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4. Finding Text Within a String: Strpos() enables searching particular text within a string. It works simply by matching the specific text in a string. If found, then it returns the specific position. If not found at all, then it will return “False”. Strops() is most commonly used in validating input fields like email.

echo strpos(“Welcome to Cloudways”,”Cloudways”);




5. Replacing text within a string: Str_replace() is a built-in function, basically used for replacing specific text within a string.

echo str_replace(“cloudways”, “the programming world”, “Welcome to cloudways”);


Welcome to the programming world


6. Converting lowercase into Title Case: Ucwords() is used to convert first alphabet of every word into uppercase.

echo ucwords(“welcome to the php world”);


Welcome To The Php World


7. Converting a whole string into UPPERCASE: Strtoupper() is used to convert a whole string into uppercase.

echo strtoupper(“welcome to cloudways”);// It will convert all letters of string 
                                            into uppercase




8. Converting whole String to lowercase: Strtolower() is used to convert a string into lowercase.

echo strtolower(“WELCOME TO CLOUDWAYS”);



welcome to cloudways


9. Repeating a String: PHP provides a built-in function for repeating a string a specific number of times.

echo str_repeat(“=”,13);




10. Comparing Strings: You can compare two strings by using strcmp(). It returns output either greater than zero, less than zero or equal to zero. If string 1 is greater than string 2 then it returns greater than zero. If string 1 is less than string 2 then it returns less than zero. It returns zero, if the strings are equal.

echo strcmp(“Cloudways”,”CLOUDWAYS”);
echo “<br>”;
echo strcmp(“cloudways”,”cloudways”);//Both the strings are equal
echo “<br>”;
echo strcmp(“Cloudways”,”Hosting”);
echo “<br>”;
echo strcmp(“a”,”b”);//compares alphabetically
echo “<br>”;
echo strcmp(“abb baa”,”abb baa caa”);//compares both strings and returns the result 
                                        in terms of number of characters.








11. Displaying part of String: Through substr() function you can display or extract a string from a particular position.

echo substr(“Welcome to Cloudways”,6).”<br>”;
echo substr(“Welcome to Cloudways”,0,10).”<br>”;


e to Cloudways

Welcome to


12. Removing white spaces from a String: Trim() is dedicated to remove white spaces and predefined characters from a both the sides of a string.

$str = “Wordpess Hosting”;
echo $str . “<br>”;
echo trim(“$str”,”Wording”);


Wordpess Hosting

pess Host